Personal Stories, Recommended Books

Be Someone’s Miracle

I took some time this morning to read before I allowed myself to do anything else.   I often find myself starting out with a long list of daily to-do’s that don’t permit me to start a day being still and receiving what comes my way.   Perhaps today it happened for this reason.

My mission this morning was to finish the book I mentioned last week, “The Power of I Am”, by Joel Osteen.  To be honest, I really wanted to finish it before I could start a new book, but as life would happen, I found what I call, ‘a pearl of great price’ right in front of me… again!   The previous chapters were reminding us about the importance of faith and trust in God’s timing.   That message keeps popping up everywhere for me of late.   I suppose it’s because as soon as I declare my faith and belief that God has my big priorities this week covered, I find myself quickly taking the reigns back and work diligently to orchestrate a solution and solve the problem all on my own.  (But I digress…)

Chapter nineteen in the “Power of I Am” is titled “Become a Miracle”.   That caught my attention, and I began to read with more inquiry and attention to each word.  In summary, Joel acknowledges that many of us pray for miracles, asking God for… well, a lot of things.   God… I need a… (you fill in the blank).   What Joel asks us to realize, I read several times, over and over:

“We have to realize that we can become the miracle they need.”   

The power of that statement for me came with the realization that God uses US, yes, you and me.  God uses the hands of another person to heal someone.  God uses the voice of someone to encourage another.   The arms of someone hug a person in need.   God brings people into our lives so that WE can answer their prayer – be their miracle, today.    Please think about that.   How would it change your perspective, your attitude, your goals and the desires of your heart if you believed that YOU are a miracle waiting to happen?   You!

What I appreciate a great deal about how Joel writes is that he will often be very real and relate to us where we likely are right now in our lives.   He understands that for many of us we can read this and say, “I don’t want to be a miracle, I need a miracle!”   I’ve felt that.  I’ve been there.

Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed”. (NIV)

When we take time to invest in others, we know those seeds will always come back to us.

This challenge and responsibility can be quite daunting.    How do I even start on such a journey?   If we stop and think, every day there are people we see, meet, talk with or hear about.   We can’t help everyone, but we can be aware, open and willing to help someone.    If we believe that our Christian life is to be lived out each and every day (and not just during worship) than we need to respond to where the needs are.   They can certainly be within our church community, but there are so many people praying, having faith and waiting for their miracle.   What if that miracle needs you?

There’s several additional statements in this chapter of Joel’s book I loved…

“When you get down low to lift somebody up, in God’s eyes you can’t get any higher.”

“The closest thing to the heart of God is helping hurting people”.

Quite a few of the people in my close circle of family and friends seem to be deep in pursuit of their life purpose and mission.   It certainly can and should take on different forms.   I think if we consider what has been shared here, that we can have a jump-start in to shaping a purpose that would certainly please God and be very fulfilling.    It doesn’t mean we need to, or will become all that someone needs.  Most often what our role becomes is that of a spark, or catalyst that is the change someone needs to see the light toward a different outcome.   With God’s hand, the ordinary often becomes extraordinary.

It’s great to receive a miracle, no doubt, whatsoever.  But I bet there’s no greater feeling of accomplishment than to become a miracle.  Try it and you’ll see!  You are the miracle that someone is believing for.

The song I’m sharing today resounds with an anthem of belief in miracles.   One thing I love about writing this blog is that I explore and find music I was not aware of before now.  This song is one of them.   It’s been recorded by some powerful Christian performers, but this version resonated with me today.

It is “Miracles” performed by Kari Jobe.    Take a few minutes, listen carefully and BELIEVE IT for yourself and for others.  Play it as often as you need to.

It would be great to hear what miracles you have received, and/or ones that you have been involved in.   We may not always know the outcome, but don’t let that stop you.   I believe in  you!


Joel Osteen, The Power of I Am, copyright 2016.